ABOVE: Three NEW 2014 Desmond classical guitars ready to go into their forms and one 1999 Robert Ruck classical guitar in my workshop for a minor dent repair on the left top binding. October 1, 2014

ABOVE: Four NEW 2014 Desmond classical guitars on left, 3 in assembly forms and one awaiting it's form. The dark brown guitar second from the left is a 1924 Antonio Emilio Pascal Viudes guitar and the guitar to the right of that is the 1999 Robert S. Ruck #722 in for a ding repair. The Viudes is an incredible sounding instrument! Not very powerful, but extremely musical and charming as only a 90 year old guitar can be! It is very light in weight, and French polished. The Viudes needs some fret work done as well as a slightly higher bridge saddle. October 2, 2014